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terça-feira, novembro 11, 2003

94. 'It would be laughable, were it not so pathetic'  

Gulf News Editorial, United Arab Emirates, November 9 "The more... Mr Bush gets involved in Middle East issues, the more obvious it becomes how deficient is his knowledge of the region. His attempt at preaching democracy to the Arab nations would be laughable, were it not so pathetic. That the Arab leaders recognise a need for change in political dialogue is a given. But it cannot happen overnight... "Where Mr Bush's (or his briefers') ignorance comes in on the Middle East is the blatant lack of knowledge of how a centuries-old system of peoples' representation has worked here. Such a system has worked well and still does work well. It may not have ballot boxes but it does have a person who can be approached to solve problems immediately. That is more than can be said of many western politicians." Vejam outras opiniões, e diferentes perspectivas, aqui.

CAP @ 11/11/2003 01:43:00 da manhã

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