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segunda-feira, março 08, 2004

272 Hoje à noite 


Do we have to fight again?
I just want to go to sleep
Turn out the light
But you want to carry grudges
Oh nine times out of ten
I see the storm approaching
Long before the rain starts falling.

Does it have to be the old thing
Oh it's late, too late
To chase the rainbow that you're after.
I'd like to find a compromise
And place it in your hands
My eyes are blind, my ears can't hear
Oh and I can not find the time.

Just let the curtains close in silence
Why not approach with less defiance
The man who'd love to see you smile,
Who'd love to see you smile

Elton John / Taupin - Blue Moves

Originalmente publicado no sapo.

CAP @ 3/08/2004 12:01:00 da tarde

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