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sexta-feira, abril 02, 2004

350 Eire 

Para terminar a semana dedicada à Irlanda, uma recordação de há 24 anos:

What's another year

I've been waiting such a long time,
looking out for you
But you're not here
What's another year?

I've been waking such a long time,
reaching out for you
But you're not near
What's another year?

What's another year
For someone who's lost everything that he owns?
What's another year
For someone who's getting used to being alone?

I've been praying such a long time
It's the only way to hide the fear
What's another year?

What's another year
For someone who's lost everything that he owns?
What's another year
For someone who's getting used to being alone?

I've been crying such a long time
With such a lot of pain in every tear

What's another year?
For someone who is getting used to being alone
What's another year?
For someone who is getting used to being alone
What's another year?
For someone who is getting used to being alone

Johnny Logan

Originalmente publicado no sapo.

CAP @ 4/02/2004 12:13:00 da manhã

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