

Um blogue a toda a largura (redimensionável pelo leitor)

segunda-feira, fevereiro 13, 2006

Dás-me 7 minutos do teu tempo? Prometo que vale isso e muito mais! 

o site também está em Português The Wisdom Of Solomon It would take the wisdom of Solomon To answer all your questions I could fake all that you what you want to hear But you cannot change my thoughts Throwing all common sense and reason to the wolves And you sit there like a 60's flower happy profit Spewing arrogance and chunk Your reptile brain insists that black be white be black Squatting like some icon Buddha Gone but you'll be back They hear no evil They speak no evil The three wise monkeys see no evil And now they're told think no evil It would take the wisdom of Solomon To end this futile game Void of all responsibility Encouraged by some inner call You fought and you got your lawless society And now your voodoo heads must roll There's anger in your twisted thoughts And acid on your tongue Tapping away like a zombie robot Scared that you've been caught They hear no evil They speak no evil The three wise monkeys see no evil And now they're told think no evil Pendragon, Believe, 2005 Depois de correr a net toda, só encontrei esta letra em Francês (!). A (re)tradução é minha e pode não ser totalmente correcta, mas sempre é melhor que as automáticas que andam por aí.

CAP @ 2/13/2006 12:00:00 da manhã

Sete minutos? Setenta vezes sete!!!
Valeu mesmo :))
:) Gosto dos teus exageros, Aires. :)

Ainda bem, Hip. :)
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