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quarta-feira, abril 26, 2006

Esta voz não vos faz lembrar alguém? 

Actualização: depois da ameaça de dois cavalos de tróia, lá consegui a letra, na cache do Google. L'étranger I was born today There were strangers there Cut me off and left me in a chloroformed cell I yelled and i yelled But nobody cared First day of school I lost my front teeth Boys beat me up cause I wasn't one of them I fought til i bled and everyone was scared Yeah everyone was scared It isn't my fault That i'm strange I wasn't good at kickball I wasn't good at girls I used to make a habit of peeing in my pants Cause i was scared and i couldn't dance and nobody cared but i learned Today i'm glad to say I'm just like to rest Anonyme is best Anonyme is best and life grows stranger every day Has anybody dared to be more that dead It isn't my fault That i'm strange Mother died today Or maybe yesterday I don't know i don't know i don't know Got to ask my boss to let me go At the funeral they expected me to cry Well i didn't I don't know why I don't know how Everybody's staring at me now What's gone to their heads It isn't my fault That i'm strange I'm strange i'm strange i'm strange I'm the stranger Tuxedomoon, Suite en sous-sol, 1982

CAP @ 4/26/2006 01:03:00 da manhã

Caramba!... vim espreitar mas ainda não está cá a solução. :( ;)
Não a queres dar tu, Maria? ;)

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